Vijayakumar, N, Youssef, G, Allen, NB, Anderson, V, Efron, D, Hazell, P, Mundy, L, Nicholson, JM, Patton, G, Seal, ML, et al.
A longitudinal analysis of puberty-related cortical development.
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Dehestani, N, Vijayakumar, N, Ball, G, Sina, ML, Whittle, S, Silk, TJ.
“Puberty age gap”: New method of assessing pubertal timing and its association with mental health problems.
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Senkowski, D, Ziegler, T, Singh, M, Heinz, A, He, J, Silk, T, Lorenz, RC.
Assessing inhibitory control deficits in adult ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the stop-signal task.
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Vilgis, V, Yee, D, Silk, TJ, Vance, A.
Distinct Neural Profiles of Frontoparietal Networks in Boys with ADHD and Boys with Persistent Depressive Disorder.
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Soman, S, Vijayakumar, N, Thomson, P, Ball, G, Hyde, C, Silk, T.
Cortical structural and functional coupling during development and implications for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
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