Ellul, S, Ponsonby, A-L, Carlin, JB, Collier, F, Mansell, T, Vuillermin, P, Burgner, D, Saffery, R, Barwon Infant Study Investigator Team.
Sex differences in infant blood metabolite profile in association with weight and adiposity measures..
Pediatr Res
473 -483
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Ponsonby, A-L, Symeonides, C, Saffery, R, Mueller, JF, O'Hely, M, Sly, PD, Wardrop, N, Pezic, A, Mansell, T, Collier, F, et al.
Prenatal phthalate exposure, oxidative stress-related genetic vulnerability and early life neurodevelopment: A birth cohort study..
20 -28
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Mansell, T, Ponsonby, A-L, Collier, F, Burgner, D, Pezic, A, Vuillermin, P, Ryan, J, Saffery, R, Barwon Infant Study Investigator Team.
Methylation of the LEP gene promoter in blood at 12 months and BMI at 4 years of age-a population-based cohort study..
Int J Obes (Lond)
842 -847
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Mansell, T.
Combined genetic and epigenetic analysis to identify early life determinants of complex phenotype.
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Mansell, T, Ponsonby, A-L, Collier, F, Burgner, D, Vuillermin, P, Lange, K, Ryan, J, Saffery, R, Barwon Infant Study Investigator Team.
Genetic variation, intrauterine growth, and adverse pregnancy conditions predict leptin gene DNA methylation in blood at birth and 12 months of age..
Int J Obes (Lond)
45 -56
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