Davis, GA, Patricios, JS, Purcell, LK, Anderson, V, Gioia, GA, Giza, CC, Yeates, KO, Ahmed, OH, Blauwet, C, Corwin, D, et al.
Introducing the Child Sport Concussion Office Assessment Tool 6 (Child SCOAT6)..
Br J Sports Med
668 -671
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Davis, GA, Patricios, JS, Purcell, LK, Anderson, V, Gioia, G, Giza, CC, Yeates, KO, Ahmed, OH, Blauwet, C, Corwin, D, et al.
Child SCOAT6..
Br J Sports Med
672 -688
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Davis, GA, Echemendia, RJ, Ahmed, OH, Anderson, V, Blauwet, C, Brett, BL, Broglio, S, Bruce, JM, Burma, JS, Gioia, GA, et al.
Introducing the Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 6 (Child SCAT6)..
Br J Sports Med
632 -635
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Putukian, M, Purcell, L, Schneider, KJ, Black, AM, Burma, JS, Chandran, A, Boltz, A, Master, CL, Register-Mihalik, JK, Anderson, V, et al.
Clinical recovery from concussion-return to school and sport: a systematic review and meta-analysis..
Br J Sports Med
798 -809
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Schneider, KJ, Critchley, ML, Anderson, V, Davis, GA, Debert, CT, Feddermann-Demont, N, Gagnon, I, Guskiewicz, KM, Hayden, KA, Herring, S, et al.
Targeted interventions and their effect on recovery in children, adolescents and adults who have sustained a sport-related concussion: a systematic review..
Br J Sports Med
771 -779
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