Professor Fergus Cameron receives Diabetes Victoria's Outstanding Contribution Award
The award recognises someone who has made a substantial and meaningful contribution by supporting, empowering and campaigning for people affected by diabetes in Victoria.
Fergus is a well-respected expert in Type 1 diabetes, both nationally and internationally, particularly for his work in areas of excellence in clinical care, technology, advocacy, school support, diabetes camps, outreach and rural care, as well as research.
Through his research, Fergus discovered that swinging blood sugar levels are disrupting the brains of children with diabetes. His team are now leading work to find out how to protect these children's brains from the harmful blood sugar swings. And there is a list of things waiting to be tested to provide that protection.
Fergus described receiving the award as "an unexpected delight".
"In particular I am honoured to be listed among the list of previous recipients, many of whom are personal heroes/mentors of mine," he said.
We want to say a huge congratulation to Fergus for this recognition of his outstanding work!