Our vision is that the pace, scope and versatility of children’s population research steps up to understand how healthy development happens, how it can be derailed and what societies can do to keep it on track.

We seek faster solutions to today’s diverse childhood problems such as hearing, language and learning problems, obesity and other childhood precursors of diseases of ageing. We seek better health and wellbeing, both for our children now and for the adults they will become.

We innovate via:

  • Flexible, multi-use platforms that span cell to society and conception to grave
  • Methods to precisely measure multiple health domains within the same population study
  • Bringing rigorous trials and observational research together in the same platforms
  • Making our datasets available for all researchers

We are closely linked with Generation Victoria (GenV) and the Policy and Equity and Health Services and Economics groups.

More than 12,000 children in Australia have significant hearing loss and on average one child is identified with hearing loss every day. In our largest focus area, our Hearing Research team is working towards better management, prognosis, diagnosis and prevention for all deaf and hard-of-hearing children.

Hearing loss research

Our vision

To optimise the management, diagnosis, prognosis and prevention of hearing loss for all Australian children.

Our research streams

  • Australian National Child Hearing Outcomes Registry (ANCHOR): Better care for all. Using data from child hearing services to improve service delivery and answer research questions.
  • cCMV induced hearing loss: Better prognosis. Reducing the effects of congenital CMV on child hearing and development.
  • Deafness genomics: Better diagnosis. Improving access to genomic testing for personalised medicine and better prognostic information.
  • Neonatal hearing loss: Better prevention. Discovering ways to prevent hearing loss in premature and sick newborns.

Find out more on Hearing Loss.