CRDO workshops are designed for people working in or wishing to enter the clinical and public health research field. These workshops are suitable for both new and experienced researchers.  


The workshops are free to all Melbourne Children's Campus staff and students. Melbourne Children's Campus includes anyone who is an employee/student of Murdoch Children's Research Institute, the University of Melbourne Department of Paediatrics, or The Royal Children's Hospital. All workshops being run in 2024 will be held in-person on campus.

The cost of the workshops for external participants (those who are not affiliated with Melbourne Children's Campus) is $350 per workshop. For external participants, the CRDO team will contact you with further details following the completion of a workshop EOI.

Workshop dates 

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) equals Good Research Practice
  • Wednesday 11 December 2024 (9:00am-1:00pm)
Informed Consent Essentials
  • 2025 dates to be confirmed

CRDO core workshop sign up

External courses

As an alternative to CRDO’s course, you can access an online course provided by A-CTEC. This course is free but does require you to have an account with A-CTEC.

This course was designed by CRDO and is also TransCelerate-recognised and tailored to the Australian regulatory environment. We recommend the online option to those unable to attend our face-to-face CRDO workshops.

Visit A-CTEC: Good Clinical Practice = Good Research Practice to enrol (free).

Visit A-CTEC: New Account Sign-up to set up an A-CTEC account (free).

We strongly recommend that you attend one of our CRDO workshops for your initial training. These are free to campus staff and students.   

The A-CTEC GCP Course is not Victoria nor paediatric research specific. We recommend that all researchers new to the Melbourne Children’s Campus attend the free CRDO workshop where possible, and only do the A-CTEC course if you need your certification prior to the next CRDO in-person workshop.

If you cannot attend a face-to-face session once your CRDO certification has expired, the A-CTEC course is a great alternative to CRDO’s face-to-face workshop. Please ensure you save the GCP certificate issued in your files and send a copy to CRDO, as this forms part of our training records.

Contact us

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