To promote the highest quality research standards, Murdoch Children's Research Institute works in partnership with the Melbourne Children's Campus to offer clinical and public health researchers expert-led training, resources and peer support networks.

Education and training

Melbourne Children’s (Royal Children's Hospital, Murdoch Children's Research Institute and The University of Melbourne, Department of Paediatrics) provides a range of regular courses and seminars for education and training in research.

These training opportunities are led by experts who provide key insights into becoming an effective researcher. Topics cover statistics, data management, ethical principles in research, scientific writing and software skills and many more. You can find the course that best suits you by clicking on the appropriate links below. 

CEBU: Research methods courses and resources

This is offered by the Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU).

CEBU research methods and software training

Discover a comprehensive range of short courses in clinical and population health research methods, featuring key principles and basic statistical methods, workshops on data management, and computer-based courses on recommended software tools (Stata, R and REDCAP). 

Explore CEBU courses

CEBU statistics and data management resources

Find more information on resources developed by CEBU to support researchers in statistics and data management.

Explore CEBU resources


CRDO: Clinical research - skills and practice

This is delivered by the Clinical Research Development Office (CRDO).

Training on literature searching, referencing and library support is available in the Royal Children's Hospital Library.

CRDO workshops

These workshops are targeted at new and experienced researchers working in, or wishing to enter the clinical and public health research field. The training is beneficial for Study Coordinators, Research Assistants, Principal Investigators and students. 

Explore CRDO workshops

Research process resources: Launching pad

For research resources and an overview of the research process, the launching pad will guide you through each of the major stages of a research project, and connect you to the key supporting departments across the Melbourne Children's campus.

Explore the launching pad


Qualitative research interest group

A peer support network for researchers in the Melbourne Children's Campus to build capacity and resources as well as share knowledge.

Explore the Qualitative Research Interest Group

Opportunities from our partners

Find a course Health course - The University of Melbourne
For courses conducted in cost-effectiveness analysis, health economic evaluation and health program evaluation check the courses conducted by the Centre for Health Policy, School of Population and Global Health.

Qualitative research training and resources

  • Monash University conducts a short course "Qualitative Research Methods for Public Health". 
  • The University of Melbourne hosts a site with resources specifically for qualitative research.
  • The International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (University of Alberta, Canada) sometimes conducts workshops in Melbourne on specific aspects. They also conduct webinars that are freely available. 

Career development in research
The University of Melbourne, the Melbourne Research Office and The Melbourne School of Graduate Research conduct a number of career development programs including:

  • Go8 Future Research Leaders (FRLP)
  • Workshop for Early Career Researchers
  • Start of Career Researchers
  • Professional development and training workshops for Graduate Research Supervisors and Supervisor Training.

Graduate Programs in clinical research
The University of Melbourne (School of Melbourne Custom Programs) has a number of graduate programs in clinical research including the Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research (Neuroscience), Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research and Specialist Certificate in Biomedical Research Management.

Short courses in Research Methods (Quantitative)
The General Practice and Primary Health Care Academic Centre offer short courses in various aspects of research methodology and capacity for health professionals, students, academics and others. These courses are taught by highly experienced researchers from the Academic Centre and provide the opportunity to gain valuable skills in research including recruitment, interviewing, analysis and dissemination that can be applied in a range of healthcare settings.

Basic science training
This training is available to and mandatory for University of Melbourne staff/students only. Speak to your HR representative about this.

Contact us

If you would like to find out more about the training and resources at Murdoch Children's Research Institute and the Melbourne Children's Campus, or if you would like to include a course on this page, please get in contact with our team at