We’re working towards a more equitable, inclusive world where children, families and communities experience safety, belonging and opportunities for growth.

The Intergenerational Health group aims to improve the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families. We focus on generating and translating knowledge to promote resilience and break intergenerational cycles of trauma, family violence and social inequity.

We have three main areas of focus:

  1. Lived experience: building a greater understanding of the causes and consequences of intergenerational trauma at a population level, and within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, migrant and refugee background communities.
  2. Strengthening the capacity of policy, workforce and systems to provide culturally safe and trauma responsive care to families and communities.
  3. Knowledge into action: working in partnership with communities, workforce and policy makers to create and translate knowledge into action to promote resilience and address the causes and impacts of intergenerational trauma, family violence and social inequity.

We collaborate with a diverse range of health services and community-based agencies, including primary care services, public hospitals, early childhood services, Aboriginal community organisations and refugee advocacy and settlement services.

Currently, the Intergenerational Health group has four program areas:

  • Resilience and mental health
  • Aboriginal health
  • Refugee and migrant health
  • Family health and wellbeing

Stronger Futures Centre of Research Excellence

We lead the Stronger Futures Centre of Research Excellence, Australia’s first national collaborative centre working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and communities of refugee background to break intergenerational cycles of trauma and social inequity.

Visit the Stronger Futures website