Advancing equitable, sustainable and measurable improvements in children’s health, development and wellbeing.

The Policy and Equity group aims to advance equitable, sustainable and measurable improvements in children’s health, development and wellbeing. We sit within the Centre for Community Child Health

Our purpose is Every child thrives.

Inequities in health, development and wellbeing emerge well before a child begins school. Currently, one in five children begin primary school developmentally vulnerable – lacking the experiences or environments they need because of preventable social, economic or geographic circumstances.

The rapid development that occurs in the early years provides the best opportunity to establish the conditions that enable children to thrive. By investing wisely, we raise awareness of the significance of early childhood and prevent or tackle issues early, rather than relying on costly complex solutions when problems are entrenched.

The Policy and Equity group includes three teams:

  • Policy and Service Development Unit
  • Child Health Equity
  • Mental Health

We work collaboratively, conduct discovery and applied research and undertake consultancies for governments and non-government agencies. We provide training and development for childhood practitioners and evidence-informed advice to governments and community agencies.

For over 25 years the team’s work has informed policy, service delivery, professional practice and parenting.

We also develop innovative approaches that have successfully progressed along the impact pipeline to be translated into action in local and national communities and have led to improvement in population outcomes.

We prioritise six areas for impact:  

  • Healthy child development
  • Mental health for life
  • Connected and confident parents
  • Education, health and social care working together
  • Equitable services
  • Thriving communities.

Our research, expertise and experience show that investing in these key areas will deliver the greatest benefits for children’s health, development and wellbeing.