CRDO Workshops: Clinical research, skills and practice workshops
Workshops are targeted at new and experienced researchers working in or wishing to enter the clinical and public health research field. The training is beneficial for Study Coordinators, Research Assistants, Principal Investigators and students.
Delivered by the Clinical Research Development Office (CRDO) at Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI).
All workshops are free for all Melbourne Children's Campus staff and students. Melbourne Children's includes anyone who is an employee/student/honorary of Murdoch Children's Research Institute, the University of Melbourne Department of Paediatrics, or The Royal Children's Hospital.
The cost of the workshops for external participants is $350 per workshop.
Core workshops
These three workshops are targeted at those working in, or wishing to enter, the clinical and public health research field. Those with experience in research as well as those new to research will benefit from the workshops. The training applies to Study Coordinators, Research Assistants, Principal Investigators and students.
These workshops are not intended to be taken sequentially or as a series. Please enrol in the workshops you are interested in.
Specialised workshops
CRDO collaborates with Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) and the Melbourne Children’s Trial Centre (MCTC) as well as other Campus groups to conduct specialised workshops and conferences throughout the year. We recommend that those attending the Specialised workshops are either experienced in Clinical Trials, or have attended CRDO's Core Workshops.
Enrol in specialised workshops
Other training on campus
Short courses in the methods of clinical and population health research
Discover a comprehensive range of short courses in clinical and population health research methods, featuring key principles and basic statistical methods, workshops on data management, and computer-based courses on recommended software tools (Stata, R and REDCAP).
Delivered by Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) at MCRI.