GenV, or Generation Victoria, aims to transform the health and wellbeing of an entire generation. Moreover, because that generation has been born into a world forever altered by a global pandemic, its establishment could not have been more critical.

Years in the planning and following support from The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation, MCRI Development Board, the Paul Ramsay Foundation and the Victorian Government, GenV recruited its first participant in December 2020 – baby Eliana, born on Christmas Day.

Eliana will be joined eventually by thousands of other Victorian children born in 2021 and 2022 (and their parents) to provide a complete picture of the health and wellbeing of a whole generation, allowing researchers to predict, prevent and treat problems faster –and with greater precision – than ever before.

GenV also includes the development of one of the world's largest pregnancy and childhood biobanks to store samples for future laboratory analysis. In 2020, the new state-of-the-art facility became operational at the Melbourne Children's Campus. This fully automated biobank is the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere, transforming how samples are stored and accessed.

Learn more about GenV here: