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Factors that impact second attempt success for neonatal intubation following first attempt failure: a report from the National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates..
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
609 -615
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He, LLH, Foo, G, Kenna, KR, Douglas, E, Fatmous, M, Sutton, RJ, Perkins, EJ, Sourial, M, Pereira-Fantini, PM, Tingay, DG, et al.
Lung ultrasound detects regional aeration inhomogeneity in ventilated preterm lambs..
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Pereira-Fantini, PM, Kenna, KR, Fatmous, M, Sett, A, Douglas, E, Dahm, S, Sourial, M, Fang, H, Greening, DW, Tingay, DG.
Impact of tidal volume strategy at birth on initiating lung injury in preterm lambs..
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol
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Tingay, DG, Fatmous, M, Kenna, K, Dowse, G, Douglas, E, Sett, A, Perkins, EJ, Sourial, M, Pereira-Fantini, PM.
Inflating Pressure and Not Expiratory Pressure Initiates Lung Injury at Birth in Preterm Lambs..
Am J Respir Crit Care Med
589 -599
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Douglas, E, Hodgson, KA, Olsen, JE, Manley, BJ, Roberts, CT, Josev, E, Anderson, PJ, Doyle, LW, Davis, PG, Cheong, JLY, et al.
Postnatal corticosteroids and developmental outcomes in extremely preterm or extremely low birth weight infants: The Victorian Infant Collaborative Study 2016-17 cohort..
Acta Paediatr
1226 -1232
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