Biobanking facility
Our facility supports Melbourne Children’s campus research involving biospecimens by providing advice and support through study planning, grant application justification and costing, and ethics approval.
Our Biobanking Facility forms part of the Melbourne Children’s Bioresource Centre.
Facility staff carry out biospecimen processing, tracking, long-term -80°C and liquid nitrogen storage and sample retrieval, following international best practice. The Facility promotes standardised and harmonised approaches to biospecimen processing and storage, whilst recognising the need for flexibility and tailoring to specific study requirements.
We work closely with the MCRI Biospecimen Advisory Committee (BAC) to ensure that the needs of researchers on campus are being met by the services offered. Biobanking Facility staff and the BAC are members of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) and the Australasian Biospecimen Network Association (ABNA).
Contact us
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