Researcher working in lab

CEBU has developed various resources to assist with your research

The Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) is a specialised group focusing on biostatistics, epidemiological methods, and data management. We provide expertise and support to all Melbourne Children’s campus researchers in these areas.

Additionally, we undertake methodological research as the lead node of the Victorian Centre for Biostatistics (ViCBiostat).


The Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) is a specialised group focusing on biostatistics, epidemiological methods, and data management. We provide expertise and support to all Melbourne Children’s campus researchers in these...

The Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) is a specialised group focusing on biostatistics, epidemiological methods, and data management. We provide expertise and support to all Melbourne Children’s campus researchers in these areas.

Additionally, we undertake methodological research as the lead node of the Victorian Centre for Biostatistics (ViCBiostat).


CEBU courses

We provide a comprehensive range of short courses in clinical and population health research methods, including conceptualisation, design, and statistical analysis.

For more details see our CEBU courses:

CEBU courses

Training videos

We have developed videos to guide through what you need to know to get started in human participant research, and calculate your sample size. Find them at the Melbourne Children's Research Hub.

ViCBiostat courses

As a lead partner of ViCBiostat, CEBU contributes to the delivery of a range of short courses in advanced statistical methods, usually as part of the annual summer school.

For more details on VicBiostat short courses:

Visit the ViCBiostat website