photo of Dr Free Coulston

Dr Free Coulston

Dr Free Coulston


Role Research Associate
Research area Clinical Sciences


Free is a physiotherapist undertaking a PhD looking at co-designing a circus based intervention to improve participation for preschool aged children born preterm. She has undertaken a scoping review to understand how circus is being used as a health intervention currently, a mixed methods study exploring key stakeholders experiences of participating in physical activity (including parents of children born preterm), a co-design project with key stakeholders to design the intervention to meet the needs identified in the prior studies, a mixed methods evaluation of the co-design process, and a feasibility trial of the co-designed intervention.
Free is a physiotherapist undertaking a PhD looking at co-designing a circus based intervention to improve participation for preschool aged children born preterm. She has undertaken a scoping review to understand how circus is being used as a health...
Free is a physiotherapist undertaking a PhD looking at co-designing a circus based intervention to improve participation for preschool aged children born preterm. She has undertaken a scoping review to understand how circus is being used as a health intervention currently, a mixed methods study exploring key stakeholders experiences of participating in physical activity (including parents of children born preterm), a co-design project with key stakeholders to design the intervention to meet the needs identified in the prior studies, a mixed methods evaluation of the co-design process, and a feasibility trial of the co-designed intervention.

Top Publications

  • Coulston, F, Spittle, A, McDonald, C, Remedios, L, Toovey, R, Cheong, J, Sellick, K. "We are a unique breed": strategies to enhance physical activity participation for preschool-aged children born extremely preterm, a mixed-methods study.. Disabil Rehabil 45(24) : 4111 -4121 2023
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  • Coulston, F, Cameron, KL, Sellick, K, Cavallaro, M, Spittle, A, Toovey, R. Circus Activities as a Health Intervention for Children, Youth, and Adolescents: A Scoping Review.. J Clin Med 12(5) : 2023
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  • Coulston, F, Cameron, KL, Spittle, A, Sellick, K, Toovey, R. Circus activities as a health intervention for children, youths, and adolescents: a scoping review protocol.. JBI Evid Synth 20(1) : 277 -283 2022
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