photo of Jessica Durrant-Whyte

Jessica Durrant-Whyte

Jessica Durrant-Whyte


Role Research Assistant
Research area Stem Cell Medicine

Top Publications

  • McNamara, HA, Lahoud, MH, Cai, Y, Durrant-Whyte, J, O'Connor, JH, Caminschi, I, Cockburn, IA. Splenic Dendritic Cells and Macrophages Drive B Cells to Adopt a Plasmablast Cell Fate.. Front Immunol 13: 825207 2022
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  • Solon-Biet, SM, Cogger, VC, Pulpitel, T, Heblinski, M, Wahl, D, McMahon, AC, Warren, A, Durrant-Whyte, J, Walters, KA, Krycer, JR, et al. Defining the Nutritional and Metabolic Context of FGF21 Using the Geometric Framework.. Cell Metab 24(4) : 555 -565 2016
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