Congratulations on progressing to the next phase of the engagement process

Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) has a duty of care to protect and not place at unreasonable risk all staff, students, patients and visitors at the Melbourne Children's Campus. In considering the suitability of prospective students, our pre-engagement process requires a national and/or international police clearance and a Working with Children Check (WWCC) prior to a Letter of Offer being issued.

Police clearance

National Police Clearance

Fit2Work check conducted by MCRI

Create a Fit2Work account and complete the required information. Here you will need your Ref: ID Number, which is provided in the Subject Line of our email correspondence.

Within your Fit2Work application, you will be asked to provide:

  • One (1) Commencement of ID Document
  • One (1) Primary Use in the Community Document
  • Two (2) Secondary Use in the Community Documents

If Fit2Work cannot verify your ID, you may be asked to provide one certified piece of ID.

After submitting the application, Fit2Work will process your application. A result usually returns within three (3) business days, however, on occasions it could take up to four (4) weeks to return with a result. It is important that you complete the Fit2Work online form as soon as possible.

Note: MCRI will incur the cost.

If you haven't resided in Australia in the last six months, you'll need to provide an International Police Clearance from the country where you most recently lived. Fit2Work will guide you to list any countries you've lived in. Once you've made your selections, the relevant forms will be automatically included in your Police Check application. International checks will typically take several weeks to complete.

If you have a current position with The Royal Children's Hospital, please advise us via email as you may be exempt from undertaking a new police check.

Working with Children Check (WWCC)

Local students

Applying for a WWCC is a three-step process:

  1. Complete the online application form via the Working with Children Check website. Unpaid students can apply for a Volunteer Check, while paid students must apply for an Employee Check.

  2. Print the summary and take it to a participating Australia Post outlet along with 100 points of acceptable Identification and a passport-size photo. Only sign the application summary at the counter, not beforehand.

  3. The application is deemed to be lodged when the counter staff stamps your receipt. Email a copy of the receipt to MCRI Student Admin below as proof of application.

International or visiting Students

You will need to complete a WWCC Application as soon as you arrive in Australia. Please visit any Australia Post Outlet and provide them with;

  • Visa Documentation
  • Confirmation of accommodation in Australia
  • International Passport

Please email us below for further information regarding the WWCC process.

Already have a current Working with Children Check?

If you change your employer or volunteer organisation you must notify the Victorian Government within 21 days of becoming aware of the change as penalties apply.

Please provide us with a copy of your current WWCC Card for our records.

Where do I send my Police Clearance forms and Working with Children Check receipt?

Email us below with your prospective student position title and (Ref: ID Number) in the subject line.

What now?

Once you have satisfied our pre-engagement screening checks you will be emailed a Student Letter of Offer and further mandatory documents to read and complete.

These documents will need to be signed and returned via email prior to your commencement.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Murdoch Children's Research Institute Student Admin