A joint statement from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne
We lead Australia's largest clinical and research program providing care for trans children, adolescents and their families, and investigate their long-term health outcomes.
No child should experience discrimination or the threat of discrimination. Our research and clinical work tell us that trans and gender diverse children and adolescents are some of the most vulnerable in our community. They need and deserve our support, our respect, and our protection. Any action that leads to their exclusion and increases their vulnerability will likely cause unacceptable harm.
We all have a responsibility to ensure that future debates and public discussions take this fully into account.
More information on how trans and gender diverse children and adolescents can be supported is available:
- Raising Children Network trans and gender diverse resources
- The RCH Gender Service
- Kids Health Info Fact Sheet: Gender dysphoria
To speak to a Lifeline Crisis Supporter, phone 13 11 14
To speak to the Kids Helpline, phone 1800 55 1800
To speak with an LGBTQIA+ peer counsellor, contact Rainbow Door 1800 729 367
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