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Illustration of 3 peopleWe ask you to support the Genetic Support Network of Victoria (GSNV) to assist people living with genetic, undiagnosed and rare conditions to flourish and live their best lives.

The Genetic Support Network of Victoria (GSNV) has been working since 1997 to improve the quality of life for people living with genetic, undiagnosed and rare conditions. We are responsive to a fast changing complex environment; we recognise the importance of, and seek to facilitate, a broad consumer voice in genetic health. We acknowledge the gap in existing support for many rare, undiagnosed and genetic conditions and continue to work to bridge this gap through education, advocacy and support. GSNV located at the Victorian Clinical Genetics Services (VCGS), along with our parent company, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, has the largest collective genetics expertise in the Southern Hemisphere.

By choosing to make a donation to the GSNV, you will be supporting people living with genetic, undiagnosed and rare conditions and those who support them, including families and support groups, working with health professionals, social service supports, and the broader community to deliver outcomes where people can flourish and live their best lives.



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